
You've Been Boo'd!!

October 25, 2016
Last year at about this time a friend of mine asked me if we'd been "boo'd." That night we heard the doorbell ring, but by the time the kids got to the door all they saw were taillights - and a small Halloween goody bag with a note attached:

"You've been boo'd! Hope you enjoy your special treats! Here's how to keep the fun going."

What followed were instructions on how to pay our "boo" forward by creating our own bag of Halloween goodies to leave on someone else's front step. The note also included a helpful cut-out sign to hang outside our front door so we wouldn't be boo'd twice. The kids LOVED it!

Click HERE, HERE, and HERE for some fun printables to start your own chain of boo's, and click HERE for ideas on what to put in your goody bag. Happy Halloween!